Last evening, in an act of DIY recessionista chic, (and 3 minutes before I left the house to go to dinner,) I turned this:
into this:
Much more relevant, don't you think?
Yes, I had a hard time cutting gorgeous 900 + $ YSL boots off like a pair of old levis even if they were a few seasons old. But in the end, I just knew I'd wear them way way more if I relieved my booties of their tops. For the fashion purists, I know it's a bit a sacrilege - like taking the belt off a Birken or sawing the chainlink off a Chanel 2.55. Maybe all this talk of London has left me feeling a bit punk rock.
In other news, ever been to Me neither 'til they contacted me for this:
An online mag for women with smarts on everything from sex to style - maybe heavy on the former as per the name...I'll go back.

In other news, ever been to Me neither 'til they contacted me for this: