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Taking the slow train to Paris

We leave this beautiful country home today and we're taking the slow train to Paris. Yay. So excited to eat at my favorite places, stroll the skinny streets, sit in the parks and visit the chicest boutiques on earth which will hopefully one day be selling CVivs. I'm sad to leave this home, it's so good to us every year. These tomatoes were brought in this a.m. from the garden! We eat better than we eat all year in the few weeks we're here.

It's the simple things I love. This is the key to the house. How cute is it? As solid brass skeleton key. Why did we have to depart from the skeleton key back home?

The bon bons above have nothing to do with anything, only I think they're so cute and I've wanted to include this picture for a while, never found a way to tie it into any story. They taste like the Holy host from my spotty Catholic girl upbringing. Only they're filled with sour sugar. I used to sit at mass, bored out of my head thinking about the holy host. Who made it, where'd they buy it, did the priests bake it themselves?

Another pic, another day...

Next up some looks from PARIS!
Back to Clare V.

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